Milo's Place is a place for people who have pets, are thinking about getting a pet, fostering a pet or who just like animals.
Our goal is to provide the best value for your money while being honest and ethical. We particularly want to help as many animals as we can, with a concentration on those in shelters.

The goal is to build a sanctuary/refuge for as many animals as we can on an acre of land with a house. to get more knowledge about training so we can assist abused and timid dogs in regaining trust and becoming more adoptable. Instead of having to return to the shelter environment to find a new home for these dogs or cats, we'd like to be able to foster them until someone decides to adopt from us. That can be extremely upsetting, especially for dogs or cats who have only recently begun to open up. Additionally, we want to grow our organization so that there is always someone sharing information about a needy animal throughout the nation.